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The Salem Presbyterian Church was organized and enrolled in the Presbytery in 1832 with 20 charter members. For the next 10 years the congregation met in a harness shop until a wooden frame building was constructed and used until 1860, when the current sanctuary was built.

Music Sheets and a Cross


Reverends Frank and Trina Lewis

“We are centered in Christ and powered by love.”
Finding Faith and Community at First Presbyterian Church

At First Presbyterian Church of Salem, our ministry really is our ministry! Presbyterians believe that no one person has all the knowledge or skills that are needed to serve Jesus Christ in the way we want to serve him. We believe that we make the best decisions when we make them in conversation with one another. In fact, we believe that the Holy Spirit speaks to us most clearly as we listen to each others’ viewpoints. We are here to welcome you home!


Our church is a welcoming place to explore faith, find a community, and connect with others. We offer frequent gatherings, and get-togethers for families, kids, and new members. Plus join us outside of worship times for fun social activities, educational opportunities, and volunteer work.


We've been connecting people to God since 1832 and our goal is to inspire you! Become a part of our growing congregation in Salem, OH. Even if you can't be there in person, you can always join us virtually by watching our service online every Sunday at 10:30. You can also catch up on any past sermons you may have missed by clicking here.

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We know discovering a new church can be daunting, which is why we welcome everyone with open arms. Our loving community can't wait to meet you and your family. Here at FPC,

we pursue the Glory
of God through worship, ministry, giving and education.

You're invited to join us for worship every Sunday.

9:00 AM - Sunday School
for Youth and Adults (in Library)
10:00 AM - Fellowship Hour
(Coffee Time @ 10 a.m. in Fellowship Hall)
 10:30 AM - Worship
(Main Auditorium)


Genesis 1:24-27, 31;
Matthew 6:25-33
 Dominion, Not Domination”
Rev. Dan Schomer preaching
Mickey Buck
Haviland Choir &
Carillon Ringers



May 12

6th Sunday of Easter

@ 10:30 am

Earth Sunday

The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

April 21

4th Sunday of Easter

@ 10:30 am 



April 28

5th Sunday of Easter

@ 10:30 am 

1 John 3:16-24;
John 10:11-18
 This Is Love
Mark Smith
Haviland Choir
Psalm 118:19-25;
Acts 8:26-40;
John 15:1-8
 A Place for Those Who Don’t Belong There”
Rev. Trina Lewis
Haviland Choir & Brass
of the
Matthew 6:25-33

24   And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind.” And it was so.


25  God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind and the cattle of every kind and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good.


26 Then God said, “Let us make humans in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over the cattle and over all the wild animals of the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.”


27  So God created humans in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.


31  God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

Music Sheets and a Cross



   of Salem


in  the


Sunday Worship Bulletins:  cost is $15.00 a Sunday.

2024 Per Capita Apportionment - The Per Capita Apportionment is $32.50 for each Active Member, paid to General Assembly, Synod, and Presbytery. This funding is how we mutually share the costs of coming together to discern the Spirit’s leading for the future. It is how Presbyterians are trained to become better elders and ministers and how Presbyterians discern God’s call in their lives. The amount due for 2024 for FPC of Salem is based upon reported active membership at the end of the year 2022.

2024 Open Dates for Bulletins: Donors are needed for 2024. Standing Orders have been placed on the calendar.
Open dates are as follows, June 9, 16, July 7, 28, Aug 4, 11, 18, Sept 8, 15, 22, 29,
Oct 6, 13, 27, Nov 3, 17, 24, Dec 1, 22. 

Cost is $15 a Sunday.

2024 Open Dates for Chancel Flowers: Chancel Flower Donors needed! Standing Orders are on the calendar. Open dates are as follows; May, 5 (1 vase), June, 9 (1 vase), July, 7 (1 vase), July, 14 (2 vases), Aug, 11 (1 vase), Sept, 1 (2 vases),
Sept, 8 (1 vase), Sept, 29 (1 vase), Oct, 13 (1 vase),  Nov, 3 (2 vases), Nov, 17 (2 vases), Dec, 1 (1 vase). 
Cost is $10 a vase.  

Adult Sunday School - meets Sunday mornings @ 9:00 a.m. in the Library. It is led by Rev. Frank Lewis.

Used Eclipse Glasses - I have just read that our recently used eclipse glasses can be sent to Eclipse Glasses USA to be used again. They will redistribute the glasses to children in various countries around the world so they can experience eclipses without risking their eyesight. Please save your undamaged and in good condition eclipse glasses and bring them to church. I will have a box on the stage in the Fellowship Hall where they can be placed. And please, spread the word to others. Let’s see how many we can share. ~ Carol Ricciardi

Big Item Recycling Opportunity - My friend Carl Hunt AKA “Carl the Scrap Guy” has volunteered to help FPC with our recycling efforts during the month of May. He can come to your house to collect any unwanted items that contain metal. Appliances, lawn mowers, lawn furniture (with metal), metal fencing, and more. Simply call Carl and say you are from the First Presbyterian Church and tell him what you would like him to pick up. His number is 234-320-2363. His offer is good for the month of May only. ~ Barb Yonker, Environmental Team

New Church School Class Possibility - Our Session’s Christian Education Committee is discussing the possibility of adding a Sunday morning church school class for Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Graders. Rather than survey the whole congregation, we would appreciate your sharing names of your children, grandchildren, or possible other children who might be interested in such a class. This class would be a time of learning about Jesus by reading stories, singing songs, and participating in other activities as their first introduction to church and God’s love. Please put names or contact information in the offering plate or the Church Office mailbox as soon as possible. Thanks! ~ Judy Herron, Moderator of CE Committee

New Wilmington Mission Conference: July 19-24 - The 119th celebration of this conference will be held on the campus of Westminster College in New Wilmington, PA. This conference is for all ages and is the longest-running Christian Mission-focused event in the United States. The theme this year is “Make Peace – Build One Another Up”. Call Mark Smith or Judy Herron if interested in attending this year.


VOLUNTEERS for COFFEE HOUR - The past few years, members of Session Committees, Deacons, and Choir managed coffee hour duties for a month of Sundays. Recently, other church members expressed interest in helping with Coffee Hour. Starting soon, every third Sunday of the month will be open for new volunteers. If you'd like to lend a hand, please sign up on the Coffee Hour form. It will be in the Fellowship Hall, on a small table. Committee members will still be on hand each month to guide new volunteers until they feel confident with the "Coffee Hour Routine."  Thanks to everyone for your willingness to participate!

EGG CARTONS for SALEM COMMUNITY PANTRY – We are still in need of egg cartons. If you are interested in helping, please take the empty cartons to 794 East 3rd St. (corner of 3rd & Vine) and drop them in the collection box near the pantry door. 

Tai Chi Class - Classes are Mon & Wed from 10-11:00 AM in Fellowship Hall, taught by Rev. Frank Lewis. They are free and open to everyone of all ages. Tai Chi is a low impact, low cardio form of movement. It requires no special clothing, shoes, or experience to get started. Please wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and flat-heeled shoes (but NOT sandals). The movements are slow and gentle, promoting balance, stability, stress reduction, mental focus, flexibility, inner strength, and overall wellness.

Preschool Scholarship Fund - FPC has started an initiative to provide financial assistance to preschool aged children whose parents may need some monetary help in attending preschool fall 2024. A separate church fund has been established as a means for church members, community members as well as organizations to contribute to this fund to support this project. The fund is called “Preschool Scholarship Fund”. The Preschool Board is also discussing ways to support the funding through fundraisers, etc. If church members wish to help in this effort to assist parents who need some financial support to send their child to our preschool this fall, you may do so by contributing through your church contributions. Putting the words “Preschool Scholarship Fund” on your check would indicate that you are supporting this fund. Money in church envelopes could also be designated on the envelope with the words “Preschool Scholarship Fund”. The Preschool Board thanks you in advance for your consideration in supporting this important preschool scholarship initiative. 

LOGOS Middle School Group will meet on Sunday afternoons for the first 3 weeks of March with the Middle School youth of the Canfield Presbyterian Church. Our youth will carpool following church each Sunday. Activities include laser Tag, a Clue Mystery game at the Canfield church, and a Where’s Waldo (Pastor Larry) event for youth and parents at the mall. Questions? Contact Bill Penfold for details. 

Daytimers: Come join us on Wednesday, April 3 at 12 Noon for a covered dish luncheon in Fellowship Hall. The speaker will be Brad Stephens, talking about the Salem Public Library. One Great Hour of Sharing Offering to date is $2,554 towards our goal of $3,500.

HELP PLEASE! Salem Mobile Meals really needs drivers. If you can help in any way, please call 330-332-2160. Geoff Goll, President

Pentecost Offering: The birthday of the church, Pentecost, is so much more than a day of celebration

and an opportunity to dust off the red paraments to adorn the pulpit and communion table in our

worship spaces. It is also a chance to recommit to Christ’s continuing ministry, his hands and feet,

in a world that is so desperate for more justice, love and peace. We do this in so many ways, and

we do our level best to instill a heart for Christian action in youth and young adults. Envelope

was in newsletter.


Order Geraniums for $5 (4" pot) on Sunday mornings or during week through Church Office.



The  Preschool  is  trying  to  get  information  out to  the  community
about opportunities for preschool classes for this year and for registration
for classes next school year. With the popularity of Facebook, it is felt that this
is a great way to spread the news about our program. So, if you are on Facebook, would you please become a friend of the Preschool then share the announcements and posts about the Preschool’s activities?  The  Preschool  is
so appreciative of the congregations’ continued support.

If you want more information, please
contact Administrator Jennifer Gillis via
email, phone or Facebook.

FPC Fcacebook

PFC Phone

Environmental Team is sponsoring a raffle

The Environmental Team is sponsoring a raffle for 4 Environmentally Friendly Shopping bags made by Sue Lewis. The money raised will be used to help pay expenses for the team’s proposed Pollinator Garden.

Tickets will be sold on April 28 and May 5 for $1 a ticket or $5 for 6 tickets.

The winning tickets will be announced at 10:15 on May 5 during coffee hour.



   of Salem


Preschool Enrolling for 2023-24
The five day a week program combines the very best elements of a preschool from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., and childcare for
children 3- 5 years old from 12-4:30 p.m. The classes are small, and students receive individual attention. We work with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services to help families who are working or in school, pay for childcare. Our Early Childhood degreed teacher is experienced and dedicated to maintaining a positive, nurturing environment while promoting creativity, curiosity, and kindness. Call 330-332-8620 for more information or to enroll.
The First Presbyterian Preschool in Salem is opening their preschool / enrichment program to half day preschool services (morning only) for 3-5 yr olds to meet the needs of children and families.

First Presbyterian Preschool Hours:

DROP OFF - between 8AM - 9 AM

PRESCHOOL - 9 to 12 PM

Children will need to bring a morning snack with them. During these hours, children will experience literacy and math time, fine and gross motor skills, and social interaction with same age peers. Our lead teacher holds a degree in Early Childhood education and classroom staff has experience with children.

We now have two options for children and families.

Choose from a full day, 5 days a week or part time mornings only 5 days a week!

Please call 330-332-8620 for more information or to arrange a visit!
Info Flyer P.S. FALL 2022-2.jpg

click to download

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